Appointments : 1-855-346-5152
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What is the Radiology Assist Program ?

  • Radiology Assist is a free resource available to the under-insured community giving individuals access to affordable diagnostic imaging.
  • The program offers the following radiology imaging at a low discounted rate :
    1. MRI
    2. CT Scan
    3. PET Scan
    4. Ultrasound
    5. Xray
    6. Mammogram
  • Our low affordable rates are available at any participating imaging centers when appointments are scheduled through the program. There is no fee to use the program.
  • The program is intended to assist the under-insured control the cost of imaging in their time of need.

What happens after my MRI?


What happens after my MRI?

You can usually go back to your normal activities right away.
If you had a sedative, you’ll stay at the MRI center until the effects of the sedative wear off. You’ll need someone to drive you home. The radiologist will examine the images and send your doctor a copy of the report. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the test results.


References :
This material has been put together with resources collected from the following sources :,,

Contact Us

Radiology Assist Program
2100 Valley View Ln,
Suite #490
Farmers Branch, TX 75234

Phone : (855) 346-5152
Fax       : (855) 345-5222

Hours : Mon- Fri  8-5pm (CST)

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